Someone please correct me if I have any of these
wrong? I'm going from the credits in the game
and what I can find about them.
Also, if anyone has the ones I'm missing, please
send them in!
(In the same order as the credits)
Sonic - Ryan Drummond
Knuckles - Scott Dreier
Shadow - David Humphrey
Tails - Conner Bringas
Amy - Jenny Douillard
(Eggman?) - Deem Bristow
Rogue - Lani Minella
?? - Moriah Angeline
?? - Marc Biagi
(Eggman?) - Steve Brodie
?? - Sue Wakefield
?? - Elara Distiler
?? - Shelly Fox
According to Karen of, Scott
voiced Knuckles and David is Shadow. And I'm certainly
not going to argue with that!
For complete game credits, visit,8/gameId,4455/