Gilder > Information
Here's a brief walkthrough of
the parts of the game that include
After gaining control of the ship,
go south to Nasrad. As your approach, Clara's
ship will appear and Gilder will escape in
a lifeboat along with Vyse.
After landing in Nasrad, catch the Moonfish at
the docks before heading to the inn (turn right after
entering the main plaza) and getting a room. You
will switch to Aika and Fina.
Head to the bar (second building on the left)
and talk to the barkeep to recieve your wages,
as well as 4 Sacri Crystals and a Cham.
Head back to the inn and you will meet an
old man, Pedro. You will then recieve Pedro's
Map, the other half of Vyse's "Gonzales' Map."
After missing yet another opportunity
for a reunion, you will regain control of Vise.
Head to the palace and warn the guards of
Valua's Plans.
Tell the guards "We have important information"
to recieve a boost to your rating. Naturally, the
Nasultan won't listen to you and there's nothing
else you can do, so you'll gain control of Aika again.
As Aika, sail a bit north of the "Deserted Island"
to find "Daccat's Island." With only Fina and Aika, you
may have some trouble with the enemies in the sky.
Use Lunar Glyph to stone them and they'll be a lot easier.
After landing on Daccat's Island, you'll find a cham and a locked
door. You'll need Vyse's help to open the door, so you
switch back to Vyse and Gilder.
Before leaving for Daccat's Island, I'd let Gilder
learn at least his first S-move. Then, simply sail
to the same island and talk to the door.
Daccat's Island is one of the most confusing, yet
most fun, dungeons in the game. You'll have to switch often
between Vyse and Aika to complete it, and together fight
a boss at the end.
You start with Aika. Grab the weapon, then switch
at the switch point (purple point with a boomerang and cutlass
in it).
As Vyse, grab the chest, which is guarded by yet another
Zivilyn Bane (remember these guys?).
I found a Daccat's Custom
after a battle as Vyse. If you do too, equip this to Gilder.
If you find this while playing as Aika, wait until
the boss, and equip Gilder during the battle.
Flip the switch which
opens the door for Aika. Then, switch to her at the point.
Grab the chest, flip the switch to open Vyse's door,
stand on the plate, and switch back to Vyse.
Grab the gold and step on the plate as Vyse. You'll
automatically switch to Aika so grab the chest, then
switch back to Vyse.
Turn the lever once, then switch to Aika.
Grab the chest and stand on the plate, switching
back to Vyse.
Grab Vyse's chest, then turn the lever twice and
grab the other chest before standing on the plate.
As Aika, grab the chests and the cham, and stand on the plate.
As Vyse, you'll have to hit A on the door
for it to open (no idea why). Continue along the
tunnel grabbing the chests and moonfish. Stand on
the plate and prepare for the most confusing room in,
quite possibly, the entire game.
Immediately change back to Vyse. Turn the lever
once and change to Aika.
Turn Aika's lever twice (follow the path and take
the steps on the right) and change back
to Vyse.
Make your way to Vyse's next platform and
immediately change back. No levers this time :D
Turn Aika's lever three times (the same one as
earlier) and stand on
the plate before switching to Vyse.
Go to Vyse's plate and the rooms
will turn. You're free! Save at either save
point and heal everyone to max HP. If you
have the moonberries for it, definetly learn
Vyse's "Pirate's Wraith," as it will be
very very useful in the boss battle.
For this boss, I'd concentrate on one
first so they won't use their annoying
(and deadly) Death Waltz attack. Have everyone
defend, healing when necessary, until you have
enough SP for Pirate's Wraith. One plus a Cutlass
Fury spells doom for one of the bosses. The
purple one (Destra) is weak to red, and the
red one (Sinistra) is weak to purple. Be sure
to set your sword accordingly (as Vyse)
for maximum damage with Pirate's Wraith!
After they have been taken out, you'll collect
Duccat's treasure, which turns out to be a coin.
Later on, you can sell this for money.
Leave for a cutscene. Uhoh, looks like
the Nasultan should have listened! Head
back to Nasrad (whatever happened to Aika
and Fina's ship? :P). Make sure to heal
first in case you run into battles!
Upon your return, head for the plaza.
The attack will commence and Gilder will tell
everyone to head back to the docks. There
you'll be introduced to Ramirez. Choose "Surrender"
as Fina says, and you'll be taken to Valua.
Note: You can also fight him by choosing the
other option. You can't win, but it's fun :D
After a cutscene with Enrique and Theodora,
you'll find yourself in prison. Luckily, Willy
and Gilder's crew comes through, and Gilder
breaks Vyse out of the prison.
Once you're free, head to the elevator, where
you'll have to fight guards (easy fight).
Take the elevator to the second floor, where Aika
is. Get ready to fight Vigoro!
This fight can be tough if you don't realize that
you have equipment for Aika that can prevent
confusion. Since equipping in battle doesn't
cost you a turn, equip any armor and the "Eye of Truth."
Beat Vigoro easily and recieve the key.
Now go rescue Fina!
Cutscene with Enrique. Could this
be foreshadowing? Oohhh... Continue
to save Fina.
Follow the path and go to the cannon room,
where you will escape through the missle hole.
Go along the path and take the elevator up.
Gilder's men will begin their attack, and Gilder's
bomb will explode.
After a few more cutscenes, you can
fight guards and rescue Fina. Head back down,
go through the door, and make your way carefully
to the top avoiding the spotlight (unless you
want to fight). Save and prepare for a boss.
This boss can be very tough, but there's
a huge weakness-you can put it to sleep.
Use Gilder's normal attacks and have
everyone else defend (you DO have him equipped with
Daccat Custom right?) until the boss is asleep.
Then focus until your SP is full. Finally, unleach your
wraith :D Put it back to sleep and repeat. Three rounds of
pure attacking or so are good enough to beat
this boss. No problem (I beat it taking 0 damage).
After the battle, you'll hear a voice telling
you to hop onto the lift. Choose to take chances and
hop on for a boost, and take the lift to meet...
...Enrique! He will lead you the Delphinus and
you'll have to fight your way out of the fortress.
Luckily Gilder was prepared so all you have to do is
defend the first turn and fire S-cannon the second turn.
After the escape, the crew will nominate you
to be captain. Say "I'll do it!" for a boost.
Then, you'll have time to look around the ship.
Search the compartments on the bridge for
a moonberry and Marco, who will join your crew.
Talk to Gilder afterward, and he will tell you
that you need a crew and a base, and suggest Crescent
Isle before escaping Clara. Don't worry, you
havn't seen the last of him :D Head back to Crescent Isle.
Once you have gotten the Yellow Moon Crystal by beating
the yellow Gigas, return to Crescent Isle. There Gilder
is waiting :P You get a few cutscenes and then are free
to roam.
Head towards the Delphinus, and Gilder will tell
you about Valua's latest plan before running off again.
Don't worry, he'll be back very soon. In the meantime,
head to Dangral's Island.
After dropping Enrique off at Sailor's Island, you will
return to Crescent Isle...and Gilder!
Clara and Gilder throw a party for Fina, since she is
leaving soon. However, the base is attacked by Ramirez.
You will have to fight 3 Shadows. Just Cutlass Fury
them to death. Ramirez will then attempt to steal
the crystals. Choose "You'll have to kill us!" for a boost.
As before, you won't be able to win. He will defeat you
After the battle, you'll get a little history on
Ramirez (which you probably already knew from Doc).
Choose "You're a fool for underestimating us" for a boost.
He will then try to kill Fina for the silver crystal.
Gilder and Clara stop him.
Ramirez then retreats and you're left with a ruined base, which you
will begin cleaning up.
Choose "I'll never give up" for Aika
and "I understand" for Fina to recieve more boosts.
There are a lot of opporunities for rating
boosts here. Talk to every crew member.
The correct option is always obvious
(usually the first option).
After a cutscene with Galcian, Fina will
ask you to go with her to the Great Silver Shrine.
Choose "Of course we will!" for a boost. Gilder
then rejoins your party! He comes with nothing but
a gun equipped, so give him some armor and accessories.
After a cutscene with Theodora and Enrique,
you can head to Fina's ship (which is by the flag,
where the signal fire used to be). If you
found the Velorium in the vortex, now would be
a good time to drop it off with Ryu-kan.
Wheee...we're in outer space...and upside
down! You can explore a bit and find Fina
and Ramirez's rooms (you pass
Fina's room on your way from the save point
to the center beam). When you're done, head
to the big beam of light in the center.
You are now inside the shrine!
Head straight up the vertical walkway.
At the first intersection, head straight.
At the second intersection, you can
head straight for some armor or left to
continue on.
Next, there is a three path
intersection. Turn right for a moonberry and to
continue on.
Next intersection, take the right (the
path leading down)
Continue on straight up for a while
until you find a platform. It will take
you to another walkway.
At the intersection, head straight for a moonberry,
then come back and head left.
Another intersection...left has armor, forward
is the Elders.
You will then learn allllll about the Silvites.
Choose "Who do you think you are" for a boost.
Ramirez will then kill one of the elders
for the crystal, and you'll get to leave.
You can have them return you to the entrance, if you
want. Head back to Crescent Isle.
Whee....back to Drangal Island again.
Head all the way down again and you'll find
an elevator. Take it and you'll fight Vigoro.
He's harder this time, but not too hard.
His cannon can hit one or all, so have Fina and Aika
heal while Vyse and Gilder attack. You'll win
easily and Vigoro will decide to become an Air Pirate.