Here are some EXCLUSIVE movie clips
Gilder in battle in Skies of Arcadia
(and SoAL). All captured by me. If you
use them, please please please
give me credit!
I included Prophecy because it's the
best attack :D And Gilder's in it,
so there.
Gilder |
Attack - Gilder performing a normal attack.
MPEG, 782 KB |
Item - Gilder using an item in battle,
in this case an Aura of Valor
MPEG, 1.48 MB |
Focus - Gilder focusing to build SP.
MPEG, 903 KB |
Magic - Gilder using magic, in this case
the spell Sacri.
MPEG, 2.09 MB |
Run - Gilder running from battle.
MPEG, 1.37 MB |
Victory - Gilder strikes a victory pose ;) This one is used
if he has high HP.
MPEG, 1.58 MB |
Victory - Gilder strikes a victory pose ;) This one is used
if he has mid HP. He can also say "No hard feelings."
MPEG, 1.22 MB |
Victory - Gilder strikes a victory pose ;) This one is used
if he has low HP.
MPEG, 1.03 MB |
Final Battle |
Silver Nightmare - Ramirez using Silver Nightmare on Gilder.
MPEG, 2.97 MB |
Silver Binds - Ramirez using Silver Binds on Gilder.
MPEG, 8.46 MB |
Silver Tundra - Ramirez using Silver Tundra on Gilder.
MPEG, 9.35 MB |
Silver Eclipse - Ramirez using Silver Eclipse. It's
not just on Gilder, but it's his best S-move
so there :P
MPEG, 8.08 MB |
Destruction - Ramirez using Destruction. It's
not just on Gilder, but it's a great S-move
MPEG, 6.42 MB |