I've searched the web so you don't have to.
Here are some of the best sites with Gilder,
or at least SoA, related material on them.
You can also
a site or notify me of a bad link!
SoA World Boards
The best SoA boards on the net!
SoAL Boards
GameFAQ's SoAL Boards
SoA Boards
GameFAQ's SoA Boards
SoA2 Boards
GameFAQ's Unofficial SoA2 Boards
Skies of Arcadia Legends
The official site
Skies of Arcadia
The official site
Skies of Arcadia Legends
The official Japanese site
Skies of Arcadia
The official Japanese site
Fellowship of the Sky
A site with the manga translation; very nice
SoA World
One of the best sites for SoA stuff
SoA topsites
The best SoA sites
Google's SoA Directory
Links to other good sites
Skies of Arcadia
Fanfic and more, a pretty good site
Celine's Cosplay
Click "Completed," then look at Clara for some of Gilder too
SoA Artwork
Art including Gilder
SoA Fan Art
Art including Gilder
The Dark Rift
A general info site
Skies of Arcadia: Wraith of a God
A good piece of FanFiction
Skies of Arcadia Legends Universe
A pretty good general info site
Sapphire *Rain
This site has a bit of SoA stuff
Moon Stone Showers
An SoA site with lots of different sections
Skies of Arcadia Stories
SoA Fanfiction
Zeal's Arcadia Home
An SoA general info site
Eternal Arcadia FanArt
A Japanese site translated by Babelfish, but great art
Eternal Arcadia
A Japanese site translated by Babelfish, unique content
Skies of Arcadia
A French fansite translated by Babelfish
A Vyse Fansite, but it deserves mention here
Omega Psyclone
An Aika Fansite (eew), but it deserves mention here
Royal Blade
An Enrique Fansite, but it deserves mention here
Belle is Bouncey!
A Belle fansite, what else is there to say?