Here are some EXCLUSIVE
audio clips of Gilder in battle in Skies of Arcadia
(and SoAL). All captured by me.
Battle |
Victory - "Why did I tag along?" is Gilder's low HP victory phrase
WAV, 35.5 KB |
Victory - "I wish they were all that easy..." is Gilder's high HP victory phrase
WAV, 37.7 KB |
Item - "This should work!" from when Gilder uses an item
WAV, 16.2 KB |
Spell - "Moons, give me strength!" from spellcasting
WAV, 35.1 KB |
Run - "I'm not in the mood right now..." from when Gilder runs from battle
WAV, 32.3 KB |
Ha! - "Ha!" from when Gilder uses a normal attack
WAV, 6.8 KB |
Take that! - "Take that!" from when Gilder does a critical hit
WAV, 18.7 KB |
Ah! - "Ah!" from when Gilder is attacked
WAV, 9.59 KB |